Durability is a key factor, if not the main factor when choosing CG Signage for his work & craftsmanship. The work is consistently produced in the highest quality, with the best quality paints, that ensures your branding will stand the test of time.
Traditional Signwriting has both the texture compatibility on all corrugated panels / containers. Durability is of the highest class. The craft allows the artist to ensure the grooves & ridges of the corrugated surface has all graphics applied appropriately, and no visuals distort oddly — as they would
in simple vinyl layup, which is generally discouraged.
As of 2017, Fortescue is the fourth-largest iron ore
producer in the world.
CG Signage has been requested to apply their brand to their containers.
A modern design completed with traditional signwriting — proving that quality signwriting
has no restrictions.
Hagstrom Drilling has earned its reputation as an industry leader within the drilling industry for more than 30 years and has become a leader in all aspects of its field.
Hagstrom Drilling is centrally located in Perth, Western Australia — they have offices and depots
across Australia
DIAB Engineering provides industrial maintenance and fabrication services to the mining industry and has a proven track record in safe, quality execution of major projects in remote and difficult terrains.
DIAB Engineering has been a preferred and reliable supplier in Western Australia and for overseas mining projects since 1970.